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Eric Wasserson Poker

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Eric Wasserson was down to his last few chips on the bubble, and he survived one all in against Daniel Negreanu when he chopped in stud-8, but his luck ultimately ran out, as Kristopher Tong ended up doing him in on the bubble. Kevin MacPhee started the action with a raise, and Tong called. Total life earnings: $27,023. Latest cash: $779 on 10-Feb-2017. Click here to see the details of Eric Wasserman's 3 cashes. Total life earnings: $1,397,887. Latest cash: $9,551 on 02-Aug-2020. Click here to see the details of Eric Wasserson's 44 cashes.


Jared Jaffee raised to 5,000 on the button and Eric Wasserson called in the big blind. They saw a flop of and Wasserson checked. Jaffee continued for 6,000 and Wasserson called.

On the turn, Wasserson checked, Jaffee bet 12,000, and Wasserson called.

Eric Wasserson Poker

The river was the , putting two pair on the board. Wasserson quickly checked and Jaffee checked back.

Wasserson tabled for two pair with the ace kicker, and it was good.

Eric Wasserson Poker Player

A few hands later, Wasserson raised to 5,000 from the button, Jaffee three-bet to 13,000 from the big blind, and Wasserson called.

The flop came down and Jaffee checked. Wasserson bet 14,000, Jaffee check-raised all in for about 55,000, and Wasserson called.


Jared Jaffee raised to 5,000 on the button and Eric Wasserson called in the big blind. They saw a flop of and Wasserson checked. Jaffee continued for 6,000 and Wasserson called.

On the turn, Wasserson checked, Jaffee bet 12,000, and Wasserson called.

The river was the , putting two pair on the board. Wasserson quickly checked and Jaffee checked back.

Wasserson tabled for two pair with the ace kicker, and it was good.

Eric Wasserson Poker Player

A few hands later, Wasserson raised to 5,000 from the button, Jaffee three-bet to 13,000 from the big blind, and Wasserson called.

The flop came down and Jaffee checked. Wasserson bet 14,000, Jaffee check-raised all in for about 55,000, and Wasserson called.


Neither the turn nor the river saved Jaffee, and Wasserson advanced to the Round of 32.


Eric Wasserson Poker Games

Eric Wasserson was down to his last few chips on the bubble, and he survived one all in against Daniel Negreanu when he chopped in stud-8, but his luck ultimately ran out, as Kristopher Tong ended up doing him in on the bubble. Kevin MacPhee started the action with a raise, and Tong called. Wasserson committed the rest of his short stack, and MacPhee and Tong were off to the flop. Both players checked the flop, and the on the turn. When the river brought the , Tong bet, and MacPhee quickly folded.

Eric Wasserson Poker Tournament

Tong tabled for queens and fives, and Wasseron couldn't beat it, as he mucked his hand, and headed to the rail.

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